Countries with tightened control on communication have been suffering to reach out the other parts of the world for many years. Worrying about security and privacy is also becoming their major concern. Reaching people without using VPN in countries with limited internet access is almost becoming impossible.

Why Are 4 Billion People without the Internet? May 31, 2016 The countries with the most and least Internet freedom Dec 17, 2014 Top 5 Benefits of the Internet in Developing Countries

Internet access data for some countries is not yet available for 2017. In the data below we provide the number for 2017 if available, and if not, the number in 2016. Countries with 2016 data shown are noted when hovering over them on the map. There were of course earlier, much smaller predecessors of social networking website.

Very interesting question, depends on really how you define "no internet access." There are those that have internet access but deny connection to Google services, fitness health sites, news sources, social networks and alternative media. Such c

Nov 14, 2019 · Free internet access must be considered as a human right, as people unable to get online – particularly in developing countries – lack meaningful ways to influence the global players shaping

Map: The world without the Internet - The Washington Post Dec 15, 2014 Internet Censorship 2020: Find Out Where Repression Reigns Internet traffic has to be treated equally, with no throttling or blocking on or discrimination toward content, applications or services by ISPs in EU countries. Freedom of Speech Restrictions Yes "No internet access'' But internet is working Jan 03, 2014