Jun 27, 2016

Jul 09, 2018 Invoking iperf3 — iperf3 3.8.1 documentation The actual test data is sent over a separate TCP connection, as a separate flow of UDP packets, or as an independent SCTP connection, depending on what proto-col was specified by the client. Normally, the test data is sent from the client to the server, and mea-sures the upload speed of the client. Measuring the download speed from the server Understanding and Troubleshooting WiFi Performance using iperf TCP or UDP. iperf for windows runs fine as a command line tool, but with text output and very easy to test. jperf adds a GUI on top of iperf. iperf moves a defined amount of data between your 2 devices and then measures the overall the bandwidth. It can do this both for TCP and UDP packets. ShareTechnote

Aug 22, 2015 · @wangyu-: Try -l (or --length) to set the send size (for a UDP test, this sets the UDP payload size for each datagram). If you have other questions, it's probably best to post in the iperf-users@sourceforge.net mailing list, rather than adding a comment to a closed issue.

Feb 28, 2011 · iperf can also be used to test throughput over UDP. An important difference here is that the target throughput needs to be specified with the -b flag. The output below shows a UDP test rate-limited to 10 Mbps. The statistics at the end also include jitter and packet loss. Sep 20, 2019 · For example “iperf 3 -c K -w 500K”-R, to run the test in the opposite direction (server sends packets and the client receives them). –sctp To use the SCTP protocol (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) available only for Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris-u, to use the UDP protocol instead of TCP. See also the -b option.

iperf(1): perform network throughput tests - Linux man page

iperf3 - perform network throughput tests - man page iperf3 is a tool for performing network throughput measurements. It can test TCP, UDP, or SCTP throughput. To perform an iperf3 test the user must establish both a server and a client. The iperf3 executable contains both client and server functionality.