Dns lookup failed - Microsoft Community

I would suggest you to clear the DNS cache and see if that fixes the issue. Clearing the DNS cache forces DNS to query a DNS server rather than using information stored in the cache. Follow these steps: a. Click the "Start" button . b. In the search box, type "command prompt." c. How to update the DNS settings on your iPhone | iMore Apr 02, 2018 DNS issues on mobile data - The EE Community I keep getting intermittent DNS problems whilst on mobile data. I cant put a finger on what it is and a reboot seems to solve the problem. But it is repeatedly coming up with pages showing server DNS address could not be found . Then err_name_not_resolved . or . dns_probe_finished_nxdomain . One minute it will work and the next it DNS lookup failed - June 2013 - Forums - CNET

How to change DNS server on your Android phone or tablet

How to Change DNS Settings on Android Devices (WiFi and Aug 05, 2019 How to change DNS server on your Android phone or tablet Step 4: Scroll down to DNS 1 and DNS 2 and enter your preferred DNS addresses. Once done, tap the Join button. Using apps from the Google Play Store. You can also try DNSet and Dns Changer to change your DNS server on your Android phone or tablet.

6. Once you are able to see Advanced options, scroll down the list of Advanced options to entries labeled as DNS1 and DNS2 (See image below). 7. The next step is to change DNS1 to and DNS2 to and save these changes to DNS Settings on your Android Phone by tapping on the Save option (See image above).. Note: You will be overwriting the existing DNS entries for DNS1 and DNS2 by

This post looks at the DNS lookup error, encompassing solutions, and a general overview of what a DNS is. The definition of the DNS or Domain Name System is that of a hierarchical setup for services, nodes and resources that are tied to a private network or the internet.